How to Use the Law of Attraction? 6 Steps to Prosperity

How to Use the Law of Attraction? 6 Steps to Prosperity

Guides for Growth

The Secret to Success

If you are not familiar with the Law of Attraction, it’s about time.  This could be the best news you have heard in your life.  A completely new way of approaching life as you know it.  A game changer.  This post will allow you to understand the Law of Attraction and then learn how to apply it to your own life in 6 steps.


You’re probably thinking it sounds too good to be true, but it’s not.  Throughout history, successful people like Nikola Tesla, Joseph Campbell, and Will Smith (and the list goes on) have consciously used the Law of Attraction to their advantage and achieved great things.  No matter where you are in your life right now,  YOU  can do that too. 

“Why don’t everyone use this tool if it’s so simple?” you might ask.  The truth is that it’s simple, but not easy.  The Law of Attraction is more than just a tool you use every so often.  For it to be successful, you need to live by it.  The Law of Attraction is a lifestyle.  A lifestyle that demands belief and determination – two things that are within EVERY  human being.

If you understand how to live by the Law of Attraction, you set yourself up for great success.  Job satisfaction.  Health.  Happiness.  Purpose.  Anything you want to attract.  Let’s take a look at what it actually is.


What Is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is one of the 12 universal laws.  It states that what we think becomes what we attract.  Positive thoughts become positive outcomes.  Like attracts like.  When you think a certain thought over and over again, you bring that image into existence and manifest its potential of becoming reality (for better or for worse).  What you give attention, will grow.


The vast majority of people fail to realize this power.  A power that all humans have within them.  Their unawareness is like a lost ship in the ocean, floating in whichever direction the wind blows.  Most people live in slumber from their full potential, never knowing what they could have achieved.  Their hopes and dreams remain exactly that: Hopes and dreams.  They let fear be the master of life.  They are under the impression that the world is cold and bitter, and that their unhappiness is just “the way life goes”.  If this is your view on life, if this is your truth, then that WILL  become the way life goes, and the Universe will never act in your favor – because of the Law of Attraction.

YOU  are in control of YOUR  life, and it’s YOUR  responsibility to get on the right track no matter what may have happened in the past.  If you were in a slumber, consider this a wake up call.  WAKE UP . Very successful people understand this.  They play by a different set of rules.  A set of rules that foster personal achievement and happiness.  Now, let’s look at how to use the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

The Law of Attraction is an inspirational, universal rule that can be used to achieve anything in life. Learn to use the Law of Attraction to gain prosperity in life.

1) Take Ownership of Your Life

It doesn’t matter where you are coming from.  Leave your past mistakes where they belong:  In the past. Bad choices you may have made has zero significance to where you are going.  Starting right now, you need to realize the biggest responsibility you have as a human being:  The responsibility to love yourself.  Something that only YOU  can achieve.

Millions of people subconsciously make bad life choices because they don’t love their true selves.  Subconscious self-sabotage we call it.  They feel bad for themselves and seek the pity of others.  They are unhappy with their careers,  health,  wealth and relationships,  and who’s fault is that?  Is it just the way life goes?  Is it because of the environment they were brought up in?  Did an unfortunate event push you in a bad direction?  The answer is no.  It’s up to YOUYOU  and only YOU  to put yourself in the best possible situation for achieving the things you want.  No excuses.

You are either your own worst enemy or closest ally.  Once you understand and accept that lesson of empowerment,  you must seek your niche.

2) What’s Your Niche?

The Universe wants you to be happy and successful.  It has always been that way since the very day you were born.  For that reason,  you have been given a set of unique skills and interests.  These are your passions.  To find your life’s niche,  you must nurture these passions.  They are given to you as seeds,  and you must sow them and grow them into full bloom.  Now how do you do that?

Explore your passions.  If you are in doubt, your passions are simply the things that make you feel good.  They light your fire.  They bring you enthusiasm and motivation.  Purpose.  If you are one of the people that “don’t have any passions”,  you’re wrong.  They are there all right.  But if you choose not to acknowledge them,  it’s almost like they aren’t.  Be honest with yourself.  Use your intuition.  Listen.

What if you could tailor these passions to becoming your career?  It would set you up for GREAT  success.  In fact,  work wouldn’t even feel like work,  because you are doing what you love.  It’s you niche.  And HERE’S THE BEST PART:  If you act in accordance with your passions,  the Universe will have your back.  Grow your passion and things will go your way.  Opportunities will arise and suddenly you seem to have luck on your side.  In all aspects of life.  That is the Law of Attraction in action.

3) Visualize Success

Visualization is a central component of the Law of Attraction.  It’s your drawing board.  Where you SEE  your ideal future and establish a relationship with your best self.  Figure out what your heart desires,  close your eyes and envision it repeatedly.  See everything you have to do to make it happen.  See how you successfully maneuver the obstacles in your way.  FEEL  it in your mind’s eye.  And then feel the bliss when you finally achieve your end goal.

Like attracts like,  and that’s what visualization is all about.  It’s an underestimated tool that few people know about or use consistently.  The mind can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is visualized which allows you to create your own reality.  Be the person you believe you are and the rest of the world will follow.  And for the skeptics out there,  there’s plenty of strong, scientific evidence to back up the effectiveness of visualization. 

4) A Matter of Habits

Your actions must be in alignment with what you wish for.  You shouldn’t expect great success in the future if you’re busy watching TV shows all night.  There can’t be a mismatch between wants and actions.

Fortunately,  human beings are creatures of habit.  We repeat the behaviors that we’re comfortable with.  For better or for worse.  Habits consist of choices, and YOU  control every single choice you make. Therefore,  you are in control of your habits.

Make sure that the minor choices you make daily,  support the ideal self that you envision.  Even what seems like an insignificant,  mundane choice matters,  because we make thousands of them every day.  In the long run,  they add up.  How you do one thing,  is how you do EVERYTHING,  so make sure you are happy with your micro-choices.

In short: Repeat good choices + create healthy habits  =  life flow (leads to success).

5) Develop Resilience

Resilience is about how you tackle obstacles that arise.  And they WILL .  Even using the Law of Attraction,  the road to success isn’t going to be a smooth ride without bumps on the road.  Ups and downs are a part of the process;  without them, reaching your goals wouldn’t be nearly as exciting.

When we face obstacles,  we must learn to accept them.  So many people shy away from them and say “maybe this wasn’t for me after all”.  They avoid it and take the easy route instead.  We are here to tell you that the easy route leads nowhere.  Instead,  we should embrace the obstacle,  step out of our comfort zone and accept the challenge – whatever it may be.

One thing you can do when the odds aren’t in your favor is “control the controlables”.  “Controlables” are the things that you have full control over.  You can’t control the weather,  so there’s no use complaining about it.  But you CAN  control what you’re wearing so that you’re prepared for the storm.  Use your energy wisely and focus only on what’s within your control.

6) YOU MADE IT. What Now?

What happens internally when you achieve everything you wanted?  The answer is:  NOTHING.  You may be excited for a while, but you will come to realize that the taste of success isn’t as sweet as you thought.  “What now?“ you may think and you feel empty.  This is the part that even successful people struggle to understand.

The search for success was never about the success.  It’s about the search.  The lessons you have learned in your search are way more important than the success itself.  Maybe not to the outer world, but to you,  internally,  they are.  Once you understand that,  you’ll experience TRUE  success and fulfillment.

Most importantly…

All 6 steps above are important aspects of the Law of Attraction.  Without either one of them,  the chances of achieving success are minimized.  The Law of Attraction may seem overwhelming right now,  but once you start implementing the steps into your daily routine,  you’ll realize that it’s not that hard. In fact, it’s fun.  Why?  Because IT FUELS YOUR FIRE.

This is an opportunity for you to take full control of your ship instead of floating in whichever direction the wind blows.  An opportunity of empowerment.  It takes 21 days to incorporate a new habit into your routine,  so if you are ready,  Guides for Growth would like to challenge you.  A challenge where you live by these 6 steps of the Law of Attraction for 21 days.  Why not?  For your own good.  You have nothing to lose and everything to win.

We sincerely hope that this article was of good use.  If you enjoyed it,  please comment below and let us know how it helped you.  If this article could be of help to your friends and loved once,  we encourage you to share it with them.

Thank you for your time.

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