The Path to Purpose: Steer Clear of These 3 Roadblocks

Guides for Growth

The Path to Purpose: Steer Clear of These 3 Roadblocks

Man on a path in the woods deciding which way to take among tall trees.
Photo credit: Caleb Jones

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman

The day you were born, you were gifted with natural strengths, talents, and passions that you carry with you forever. You are meant to sow and grow these skills into full blossom and in doing so, you reap the benefits of living a purpose-driven life.

Sounds simple, right?

Simple, yes — but easy? Absolutely not!

On the path to purpose, we inescapably encounter roadblocks that threaten to derail us. This is, unless we learn to navigate around them. The biggest roadblock is fear itself. What we’re afraid of varies, but the result is the same: A life unfulfilled.

When fear rules our lives, we accept the belief that we have no power to change the way things are. Repetitive, dull, monotonous living, probably working uninspiring jobs that we may not be truly passionate about. And then, we convince ourselves that we are content because we are safe, and it puts food on the table, so we should be thankful, right?

This is no way to live. Life was given to you for a reason that goes beyond working for people who don’t know your name. It is time to start working for you. The gift of life demands to be honored by making something absolutely EXTRAORDINARY of the seed that was sown in your soul.

Life demands growth. When you fulfill this basic human need, you’ll experience a deep sensation of clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

This post is your guide, revealing to you the 3 most common roadblocks that we encounter on the path to purpose, and how to maintain forward momentum!

1) Fear of Judgement → Living Like Nobody’s Watching

In the process of growing up, we internalize the unwritten social norms and values of our environment. We learn how to talk, what to wear, how to behave acceptably, and in which direction to go depending on where and by whom we are raised.

As a child, you had no choice but to internalize these behaviors, but as an adult, you hold the power (and responsibility) to question your life from a higher perspective and decide who you truly want to be and where you want to go. Do the needs of your true self conflict with your environment’s expectations?

If so, you have probably already felt the debilitating effects of fear of judgement — when we are afraid of what others might negatively think of us. You may picture yourself being ridiculed, stigmatized, bullied, or outcast, and this fear alone can bring you to a place of stagnation. The destination? Purposeless, unfulfilled living.

This fear (real or perceived) can become so great that we refuse to pursue our dreams, settling for an easier path in order to comply with the powerful social expectations.

Living Like Nobody’s Watching

Fear of judgement is about what others think you should do, and moving past this fear is about asking what you think you should do, and then gathering the courage to do it. The ball is entirely in your court, and the power to live a purpose-driven life is in your capable hands only.

Gather the courage to defy, and in doing so, you forge a path that resonates with your soul’s melody.

Daring to defy begins with a profound shift in mindset. Instead of viewing judgment as a barricade, consider it a mirror reflecting others’ own fears and insecurities. Their lack of understanding and approval is simply an expression of their own fears, and they are not yours to carry.

The only approval you need is your own and fortunately, you are your own authority! YOU call the shots regardless of others’ limiting opinions and beliefs. Below, you’ll find statements from 5 individuals who have truly dared to defy — they will help you do the same!

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2) Lack of Clarity → A Crystal Clear Mind

In today’s fast-paced world, our minds are constantly bombarded with noise. From push notifications and social media scrolling to TV announcements, podcast episodes, Netflix shows, and e-mail newsletters — the list goes on. Information overload is the result where we are in a subconscious state distraction, rarely finding mindful moments to destress.

Combine this with the societal expectation to choose a career path based on status, wealth, power, or safety, and you’ll see a really confusing obstacle course on your path to purpose.

Many people spend their entire lives going to a place they never wanted to be for this reason: With a distracted mind, you cannot hear the whispers of your heart.

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.


A Crystal Clear Mind

To navigate your soul’s journey, you must have clear, strategic goals aligned with your true self. How can you know where you’re headed if you don’t know where you want to go? First, you must choose a path and a purpose that resonates with the essence of who you are. Enter: The concept of ikigai.

Your ‘ikigai’ is your inner compass, guiding you through the noise to a life of purpose. In short, your ikigai is the reason you get up every morning. The term is rooted in ancient Japanese wisdom, representing the intersection between what you are naturally good at and what you are deeply passionate about.

Below, you’ll find 5 questions to help you find your ikigai, sampled directly from our brand new CLARITY WORKBOOK (which happens to be 50% off RIGHT NOW):

1 | What would you passionately pursue, if you knew you could not fail?
2 | What hobbies/practices make you the happiest version of you?
3 | How could you realistically make a living from your dream vocation financially?
4 | If money was of no concern, and you had all the time in the world, what would you do for a living?
5 | What legacy do you want to leave behind when you pass? In what way do you wish to have changed
the world?

Hand holding a compass among green trees with snowy mountains in the horizon.
Photo credit: Jamie Street

3) Fear of Failure → Failing Forward

Fear of failure is the most debilitating fear of all and probably the one that derails most people from their path to purpose. If in doubt, these are the kind of thoughts that circulate in the mind of someone with fear of failure:

  • “What if I don’t make it? What if I’m not good enough?”
  • “I’m better off trying to avoid the embarrassment.”
  • “I’m probably not smart enough for that.”
  • “I’m scared of making mistakes.”
  • “I’m not too miserable here, so why bother going somewhere else?”
  • “Great success is for other people, not me.”
  • “It’s safer not to take risks.”

Most people don’t realize these subtle whispers of self-doubt and eventually, we start to believe them. Negative self-talk infests our minds like poison, simply because we’re not aware of it.

Therefore, awareness is the antidote...

Failing Forward

You must learn to notice and clearly differentiate between the voices in your mind that limit you and the ones that empower you. It’s entirely up to you which ones you choose to listen to, but just remember that whatever you feed, will grow. Whichever thoughts you feed ultimately become your reality.

A GOOD TIP for transforming negative self-talk into positive affirmation: Every time you notice a thought of self-doubt, simply switch it around like this: “Will I be good enough for this?” I will be good enough for this!”

When you repeatedly tell your mind that you will or you can, your mind starts to believe it! Consciously doing this is an extremely simple but powerful tool that is stronger than the fear itself.

Another self-destructive tendency is when you let your faults define you — you become them. You feel that you didn’t just make a mistake, but you are the mistake. You didn’t just fail, but you are the failure.

Making mistakes is completely natural, and life’s detours can lead to the most beautiful destinations. Your mistakes are not marks of shame but essential lessons on your journey. As the saying goes, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Embrace failure as a guide, steering you toward the destination your soul longs to reach!

Language has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.

Paul Tillich

Most Importantly…

Life is too short for unfulfilled living. Too precious.

Don’t fall for the illusion that a content life equals a fulfilling one. Life holds incredible possibilities beyond mere contentment. Contentment is our biggest enemy, because it blocks growth and ambition. When we settle, our dreams crumble like dry leaves, and we find ourselves trapped in circumstances that are far from what we truly desire.

No, life is about taking chances and daring to live no less than an absolutely magnificent life! Embrace your passions, live like nobody’s watching, and seize every moment as an opportunity to dance to the rhythm of your purpose.

Fear of judgement, lack of clarity, and fear of failure are all around us. Please do the world a favor and share this post with friends and family members who need to hear it!

Thank you for your time.

— Guides for Growth

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